Monday, December 23, 2013

Give the Gift of Light

One Million Lights is a nonprofit devoted to brightening futures all over the world. Their goal is to improve the lives of children and adults by providing and distributing one million clean and efficient solar lights to replace harmful kerosene lamps. Lighting can improve the quality of life for everyone; children can study and read during the dark hours of the night, and parents can cook and clean their home after a hard day at work. Not to mention, solar lights are emission and cost FREE to use! 

NC Solar Now is a proud sponsor of One Million Lights. For every system we install, we donate lights to the nonprofit. Additionally, if we reach our goal of 500 likes on our Facebook page, we will donate $500. We respect the work that One Million Lights does and are excited to be able to support and prolong it! 

Give the gift of light this holiday season. For just $15 you can donate a light to a child or adult in need. There are many other ways to help as well, including becoming an ambassador, sponsor, partner, volunteer, or even just sharing what they do with others. You can also help by simply liking our Facebook page! Help us help One Million Lights solarize the world and give everyone the chance for a brighter and healthier future.

Monday, December 9, 2013

22.88 kW Commercial Installation

This week our team installed a commercial Solar PV System for Clinard Insurance Agency in Winston-Salem. The 22.88 kW system consists of 88 LG 260 Watt Solar Panels and Fronius Inverters, as well as an Internet Monitoring System to view and monitor the systems production. The system is expected to put the building close to or at net-zero year round, allowing them to crank up the heat this winter while keeping the bills at bare minimum. 

Click here to see more photos from the installation on Porch!

Monday, November 25, 2013

Tips for a Sustainable Thanksgiving

With Thanksgiving right around the corner, we thought we'd share some sustainable tips before you prep your Thanksgiving dinner! For those who have a huge family gathering planned, or even one with just the immediate family, these tips can help save you more than just the planet.

Go Organic. Buying organic food helps support a cleaner and healthier environment. Organic food doesn't involve the use of harmful chemicals to manipulate its growth. Instead natural fertilizers are used, which is better for you, the environment, and it tastes better too! As far as your organic turkey goes, it wasn't treated with hormones or fed any byproducts or other unnatural chemicals. Those few extra dollars are well worth it when purchasing the healthier and more sustainable option. 

Shop at Your Local Farmers' Market. Yes, you can most likely find organic food in your local grocery store, but supporting your local farmers' market means you are also supporting local farmers. Local farming reduces stress on our environment by having more scattered small and sustainable plots of land for growing crops and shorter transportation routes for delivery. You will also be supporting sustainable farming by purchasing in-season produce grown in natural conditions.

Eliminate Plastic & Paper Use. Break out that beautiful China you've been storing all year long and put it to good use! Avoid using paper and plastic dinnerware and spend a little extra time after dinner to wash your dishes.  Use washable napkins and table cloths as well, eliminating the unnecessary quick build up of trash at the end of the night.

Store Your Leftovers. More than likely you will cook enough food for 4 families, so why throw out all that extra food you slaved over in the kitchen for all day long? Invest in Tupperware and make room in your fridge to save it. Just to think you could be eating Thanksgiving dinner for an entire week! And if you really don't want it, I'm sure those leftovers will make someone at your table a very happy person. 

Save Your Scraps. Dedicate a bucket for food scraps while you're cooking instead of throwing them in the trash. Use this bucket to turn your food scraps into compost for your or even your community's garden. Don't forget to throw in the left over food from your company's plates!  

Our team wishes you a very happy Thanksgiving and hope these tips help keep your bills down and our environment in good hands!

Monday, November 18, 2013

Solar to Reach Grid Parity by 2020

Solar electricity (PV) is expected to reach grid parity by 2020, according to Navigant Research's most recent "Solar PV Market Forecasts." The article states that prices will be cost-competitive with retail electricity without subsidies by 2017. Solar costs are expected to continue to drop internationally, causing installations and the industry to continue to skyrocket.

Navigant predicts that module costs will continue to fall between 3-8% annually, reaching an average of $1.50-$2.19 per watt globally by 2020. Navigant also foresees solar PV capacity increasing from this year's 35.9 gigawatts to 73.4 gigawatts in 2020. Dropping costs, and available rebates and tax credits have made solar appealing to, and affordable for all social classes, as well as developing nations.

At the rate solar PV is soaring across the globe thanks to dropping costs and increasing technology, it will not be long before grid parity is reached especially with the high-cost of today's retail electricity.  And solar WILL be the next disruptive technology when grid parity is ultimately reached. 

Click here to view the original article.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Is Solar Energy this Century's Automobile?

Solar energy is this week's hot topic as being the next disruptive technology. With prices dropping and technology becoming more efficient and available, solar will be everywhere in the coming decades. It is the next automobile, projected to be implemented into peoples' standards of living across the globe. The main difference being that solar energy has a positive impact on our environment, health, and well-being. Just as how smart phones and Netflix eliminated land-lines and Blockbuster, it will soon "disrupt" the need for power companies. Solar energy is the clean energy source of this century, and we are in dying need of a fast revolution away from fossil fuels. Homeowners are embracing the possibility of becoming energy independent, and soon solar energy will be the technology that leads this much-needed change. And with the 65% tax credit available in North Carolina, the possibility of net-metering from certain utilities, incredible loans programs, and the actuality of free energy, why wouldn't you go solar? Join the rooftop revolution; this is definitely the next trend everyone should take part in. 

Monday, October 21, 2013

North Carolina Ranks Third in Solar!

North Carolina is currently ranked third in utility-scale solar development right behind California and Nevada. We have 803 megawatts (MW) of solar in development or under construction, which is enough to power 300,000 homes at peak hours! The amount of solar energy in North Carolina is expected to grow four times as much by 2040 (SNL).
Policies like the Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard (REPS) have contributed to the growth of solar energy throughout the country. Having one of the first and most aggressive REPS in the south, North Carolina utilities are well on track to meet their goal of generating 12.5% of electricity from renewable sources by 2020. Additionally, prices have dropped significantly in the past 5 years, roughly by 14% for residential systems, and are expected to continue to drop.
North Carolina's state tax credit of 35% and the federal tax credit of 30% have been a huge motivation for residents to invest in solar. A study done by Market Strategies International found that 51% of respondents were more interested in installing a solar electric system on their home after they found out how the tax credits factor in to the average cost of installing on a typical home of $30,000, which will produce 60% of the home's electricity. The survey also showed that households with incomes below $25,000 were interested in investing in solar. More people are starting to realize that solar is, in fact, a wise investment and the long-term savings are well-worth the now affordable up-front cost.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Featured Installation

This past week our team installed a 5.1 kW ground mounted solar PV system in Salisbury, North Carolina. 

According to the NREL's PVWatts Calculator, this 5.1 kW system will produce 7,312 kWh per year, which is equivalent to planting 132 trees and preventing 4,899 tons of carbon dioxide from being emitted each year.

Homeowners can view and monitor their system's production using Enphase's Enlighten Manager. Let us know how your system is running and how much it is saving you each month, and we'll feature your system in our next email blast! Just email

Monday, October 7, 2013

NC GreenPower Celebrates 10 Years

NC GreenPower is a 501(c)3 nonprofit that was launched in 2003 to bring about the use of renewable energy in North Carolina. This month we celebrate 10 years of the program working towards improving the quality of our state's environment. Developed through Advanced Energy, a nonprofit that focuses on energy efficiency, the program works to connect "customers with green energy and carbon offset providers."

NC GreenPower helps people afford their renewable energy system and allows others who are not eligible for systems of their own to support in a different way. The program relies on generous donations and sponsorships to keep their efforts running. People can donate through their utility bill or directly to the program through either a one-time or a monthly donation. Our very own Steve Nicolas, Co-owner of NC Solar Now, donates every month through his utility bill, helping to support his very own customers.

People can donate to the program in increments of $4; $1 is put towards the program and $3 is donated as either a renewable energy generation or carbon offset mitigation (click here to view the $3 of $4 Model). For a renewable energy offset, the money goes to people, or generators, with biomass, small-scale solar or wind systems generating power to the grid. For carbon offsets, the money is put towards mitigating emissions from hog lagoon methane capture projects and landfills. Generators are allowed up to a 5-year agreement to receive donations through the program.

NC GreenPower also works to inform residents of North Carolina about the benefits of renewable energy by attending events and holding seminars across the state. If you are unable to help out by donating money to the program, they also rely on generous volunteers to work events on their behalf.

Since 2003, donors have supported 900 generators across the state, providing about $5.5 million in incentives; supporting nearly 449,054,400 kWh of renewable energy generated to the grid, preventing 363,719,689 pounds of coal from being used, planting 71,876,605 trees, and the equivalent to powering 31,122 homes. We hope to see the program continue to prosper for another 10 years and continue to improve the quality of our state's environment. For just $4 a month, you can help support NC GreenPower and the use of renewable energy in North Carolina. Show your support and celebrate NC GreenPower's 10th Anniversary by donating to the program to help keep renewable energy generation alive in our state.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Solar Prices Free Fall to an Affordable Level

Prices have dropped drastically in the solar world. Thanks to tax credits, net metering, and incredible loan programs, solar has become affordable for homes and businesses across the United States. According to researchers from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, the cost of installing a solar photovoltaic (PV) system fell 6 to 14 percent annually from 1998 to 2012. Of course, these costs vary across the U.S. depending on factors, such as "market size and maturity, varying incentives, regulatory costs, and taxes" (Cusick, "DOE Labs Find Solar Prices in Broad Decline").

Solar PV installation prices depend heavily on the cost per watt of the panels, which have shown to drop significantly over the past few years. "The Average installed price of residential and commercial PV systems completed in 2012 decreased by a range of roughly $0.30/W to $0.90/W" each year according to the Lawrence Berkeley National Lab's Tracking the Sun report. The report also claims that solar PV prices were at $12.00 per watt in 1998, and that most of the price reductions occurred within the past 4 years. According to the Solar Energy Industries Association's (SEIA) Quarter 2 2013 U.S. Solar Market Insight Report, the average residential PV price across the U.S. is currently $4.93 per watt, marking a 16% drop from the previous year. Reductions in non-module costs, including labor, permitting, mounting hardware, and inverters have also contributed to the overall decline in solar prices.

According to the Q2 Solar Market Insight Report, "the market success brings U.S. solar electric capacity to 9.4 gigawatts, which is enough to power more than 1.5 million average American homes." U.S. installations grew 15% since quarter 1 of this year, totaling 832 MW. As prices continue to drop, more families and businesses in the U.S. will be able to utilize solar as their source of electricity. The increase in the solar market to 120,000 jobs across the U.S. has shown the tremendous growth and success of the industry, and we hope to see the number continue to skyrocket as prices continue to plunge!

Monday, September 16, 2013

Blakey Hall Continues to Invest in Solar

Blakey Hall's 50 kW solar PV system

Last year NC Solar Now installed a 50kW solar PV system on Blakey Hall Assisted Living Community's rooftop located in Elon. Constructed in two phases, the array consists of 196 panels, serving all 56 residential units within the building. Last year, John Ketcham, owner of Blakey Hall, said that the government incentives made the investment a reality, claiming that the incentives were powerful enough to "cause a business guy to take action" (The Times News). Ketcham acted fast and signed the contract for his installation before Jan. 1, 2012 while section 1603 of The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 was still in effect, which provides capital for homes or businesses that have renewable energy generation projects. With the additional help from state and federal tax credits, the $250,000 solar PV project will recover 91% of its upfront cost, said Greg Olenar, Co-President of NC Solar Now. Additionally, the return on investment will be about 4 years, and with the 25 year warranty and the 35-40 year life expectancy of the panels, that seems very timely. The community will also receive a credit from Duke Energy Progress for the electricity generated that is not used, a process called net metering. Sounds like a great investment if you ask me! The community went a step further and had NC Solar Now install a solar thermal system on their rooftop to heat water for the kitchen, laundry room, and special care unit. Olenar said the system will save the community $6,000-$7,000 per year.

Satisfied with his investment, Ketcham decided to invest once again. NC Solar Now is currently working on a solar thermal system for two other buildings in the Blakey Hall Community, one of which was completed last week. Ketcham encourages other businesses to take advantage of the federal and state tax credits and grants. The credits make solar affordable for almost every business and homeowner and they should be taken advantage of to continue to increase the use of solar throughout the state!

Blakey Hall's new solar thermal system

Monday, September 9, 2013

EZ Mount: Protecting Your Roof!

A lot of homeowners are hesitant when it comes to installing a solar Photovoltaic (PV) system on their rooftop. This is because the installation process involves drilling into a roof to mount the panels. Holes in a rooftop obviously bring about the possibility of water intrusion, which can result in health problems from mold growth and structural damage to a roof or even an entire home. Sunmodo understands these concerns and how crucial it is to make sure a rooftop is waterproofed following a solar installation.

NC Solar Now uses Sunmodo's product, the EZ Mount. This mounting kit includes a rectangular piece of metal that is attached to the area drilled into the roof to completely cover the penetrated area and eliminate the possibility of a leak (view image below). The L-foot is then bolted to the EZ Mount, which supports the racking system. Back in the 1980s, installers didn't realize the need for waterproofing methods. They simply drilled a hole through the roof, filled it with a sealant, and then bolted down the L-foot without any protective material surrounding the penetrated area. EZ Mount has been certified under IAPMO ES for IBC and ICC compliance, and has complied with UL 411 Watertight criteria. Sunmodo's product has shown to be very successful in our installations, which is why we continue to use their 100% compliant and reliable product to keep our customers' roofs protected!

Monday, September 2, 2013

Microinverters Heating Up in the Solar Industry

Solar Photovoltaic (PV) microinverter shipments are predicted to quadruple in 2017, reaching 2.1 GW per year worldwide according to the report, The World Market for PV Microinverters and Power Optimizers - 2013 Edition" by IHS Electronic & Media. Microinverters convert the direct current (DC) electricity generated by each solar panel into alternating current (AC) power to be compatible for household use. Although more expensive than conventional inverters, they have a higher energy yield, and are more efficient and reliable. Microinverters prevent the "Christmas light effect" that conventional inverters face, in which the entire system will fail with just one error in part of the system. Each panel has its own microinverter that converts the electricity as it is generated. Therefore, shading or any electrical problems will only affect that one panel, instead of the entire system. This makes them more efficient and reliable, whereas conventional inverters are only as strong as the systems weakest link. 

Until recently, microinverters were restricted to the U.S residential market, but the suppliers are striving to expand the efficient technology to new regions and commercial markets. Regions with new solar PV markets like Australia and the United Kingdom are great targets because they are open to new technology options. The U.S. accounted for 72% of global microinverter shipments last year, but that number is expected to fall to 50% by 2017 due to the expansion of the microinverter market in Europe and Asia. The rise in new companies and growth in supply of microinverters are increasing competition and therefore, dropping costs. According to the IHS report, microinverter prices will drop by 16% this year, yet revenue will still increase to more than $250 million, and will reach $700 by 2017. 

Enphase Energy, the world's 2012 leading microinverter supplier and the supplier of NC Solar Now, is facing growing competition and has resulted in targeting new markets, specifically commercial projects. They recently announced that they will be doing a 2MW installation in Canada. Almost 1/3 of global microinverter shipments will be going to commercial projects in 2017, compared to only 9% in 2012, mainly systems sized between 10-11 kw. Microinverters have become the technology of choice in the solar world and will continue to make solar systems more efficient and reliable as they are welcomed in commercial projects all across the globe. 

Monday, August 26, 2013

One Million Lights: Brightening Futures all Over the World

Did you know that 1.3 million people depend on kerosene for their source of lighting? Or that kerosene causes 1.5 million deaths annually? Kerosene is a major cause of respiratory illnesses and burns, but those illnesses and injuries cannot be treated without having lighted clinics. Kerosene is also a great expense due to the transportation costs, and it emits a tremendous amount of carbon dioxide; about 100kg per year. Kerosone clearly isn't the answer, but what other choice do those 1.3 million people around the world have?

One Million Lights is a nonprofit devoted to brightening futures all over the world. Their goal is to improve the lives of children and adults by providing and distributing one million clean and efficient solar lights to replace harmful kerosene lamps. Lighting can improve the quality of life for everyone. Children can study and read during the dark hours of the night, and parents can cook and clean their home. Not to mention solar lights have zero emissions, and do not result in injury. 

Throughout the month of September, NC Solar Now will be donating one solar light for every solar installation we do. Additionally, if we reach our goal of getting 500 likes on our facebook page, we will donate $500 to the nonprofit. We respect the work that One Million Lights does and are excited to be able to support and prolong it! 

If you would like to support One Million Lights, click here to make a donation. For just $15 you can donate a light to a child or adult in need. There are many other ways to help as well, including becoming an ambassador, sponsor, partner, volunteer, or even just sharing what they do with others. You can also help by simply liking our Facebook page! Help us help One Million Lights solarize the world and give everyone the chance for a brighter future.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Heliocol Solar Pool Heating Systems

What if you didn't have to wait for summer to use your pool? With Heliocol solar pool heating systems, you can lengthen your summer pool time. As Heliocol says, just because the summer ends doesn't mean your pool time has to!

Since 1977, Heliocol has been manufacturing solar pool panels, leading them to become the top selling manufacturer in the world. Their panels are hurricane and freeze resistant, long lasting, and of the highest quality guaranteed. Their panels consist of a "one piece" design, and they act as protection for your roof by simply "floating" above it, keeping it dry and clean. Not only are they maintenance free due to their incredible strength and smart design, but also they are aesthetically pleasing and green! Heliocol's panels can help you reduce your energy consumption and emissions, as well as help you save on your electric bill. 

Click here for more information about Heliocol, and look below for our most recent installation of Heliocol solar pool heating panels in Chapel Hill!

             NC Solar Now's most recent Heliocol installation in Chapel Hill

Monday, August 12, 2013

Massachusetts's Solar Owners Positive About Solar

A recent survey by New England Clean Energy asked Massachusetts solar owners which of the three was a better investment: a solar installation, a property renovation, or a car. Results showed that 70% of Massachusetts's solar owners believe solar energy is the best investment a homeowner could make. Only 29% said a property renovation, and 1% said buying a car.

Massachusetts's solar owners gave solar systems a 95% approval rate, a very high percentage to compete with. Additionally, 96% of respondents said the government should subsidize the solar market, showing the support the public has for the growth of solar.

There are ways around the expensive up-front cost of solar, as customers have shown to successfully use. 63% of solar owners used their savings or money from a separate bank account to make their investment, while 28% used a loan or mortgage refinancing. Loan programs and tax credits have allowed for tons of customers to afford their installation without any financial issues. The survey revealed that the main reason for the increase in solar installations has been the 30% federal tax credit for since it was introduced 7 years ago. The long-term savings of solar allow customers to pay off their loan in a timely manner. As customers have shown to agree, the long-term investment of solar has been well worth it!

To read the original article, click here!

Monday, August 5, 2013


PanelClaw is an environmentally responsible mounting company that delivers balance-of-system solutions to accelerate the use of solar photovoltaics worldwide. Not only is the company working in the industry of clean energy, but they also make packaging and vendor decisions for the development of their products and practices with their carbon footprint in mind and environmental impact at heart. 

PanelClaw's design philosophy yields a long life-cycle for their products with as few installations as possible, continuing to save you money after the already low up-front cost of installation. Their items are pre-assembled in the factory to reduce the time and cost of array construction and decommissioning process, as well as the low part count of their systems. They also extend resources' life cycles by incorporating recycled materials into their own, including automobile tires, slag, and cardboard in the fabrication and packaging of our products wherever possible. Their offices, warehouse and distribution center are even green, being powered by a 175 kW solar array.

The PanelClaw mounting design is lightweight to reduce material content, transportation weight, and construction impact during the installation and end-of-life decommissioning process. Their ground mount system, Panda Bear, avoids or greatly reduces the use of heavy equipment and, therefore, roof damage. It is the first solar racking system with only three parts, including factory-installed and integrated benefits. The design allows panels to sit on a rooftop instead of intruding into the roof resulting in permanent damage. This makes for an easy and clean installation and decommissioning process. Keeping true to their system's name and contributing to their environmental responsibility, PanelClaw makes annual donations to bear conservation programs, including World Wildlife Fund and the National Zoo.

NC Solar partnered with PanelClaw to install the 12 kW system on Sovereign Guns' new retail store in Fuquay-Varina. Sovereign Guns' started in 2004 as a small Internet-based wholesale company. Due to their great success in online sales, they opened up a retail store and invested in a solar photovoltaic system to help with their electricity bill. Check out the installation for yourself by clicking here. We hope to have the chance to work with PanelClaw for our future installations!

Monday, July 29, 2013

Solar Success for Wake Forest Chiropractic

Last year, NC Solar Now installed a solar system on Wake Forest Chiropractic's rooftop. Not only has the system been saving Dr. Shawn Phelan money on electric bills, but he is also making money by selling power back to the town of Wake Forest. Power companies purchase Solar Energy Certificates, or SRECs, to achieve their mandated goal of requiring 12.5% of their energy generated from renewable sources by 2021 as mandated by the Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard. Phelan claims that he gets 5-10 cents per kilowatt-hour produced when he sells his SRECs. In just the first 2 weeks of the installation, the 33 247-Watt Samsung panels generated 346 kilowatts of power. That is enough power to generate 11 homes for one whole day. Tax credits and energy offsets allowed him to only pay a tenth of the up front cost of the installation. It seems the low up-front cost, and the money saved and made over time was well worth it for Wake Forest Chiropractor, Dr. Shawn Phelan. There's just nothing better than saving money while being green! 

Monday, July 22, 2013

The Future of NC GreenPower is in Your Hands!

NC GreenPower is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit headquartered in Raleigh, North Carolina whose mission is to connect customers with renewable energy and carbon offset providers to improve the quality of the environment in North Carolina.

Recent changes in the program have shown the lack of support from the state. In order to continue to support the growth of small-scale renewable energy generators, they have eliminated the ability for generators to renew after the 5-year term. This allows them to continue to support the start up of small installations, but have also eliminated the ability of some generators to remain standing. More recently they reduced the incentive for all small-scale solar systems less than 5kw (DC rated) from $.08 to $.06. There is a new $25 application fee. However, this fee will be refunded if the project is generating to the grid within 90 days from the date the agreement is signed by the applicant.

The Board of Directors monitors the renewable energy market as well as donations to determine appropriate pricing and changes to the program. In order to prevent further reductions in price, NC GreenPower needs YOUR support! For just $4 a month, you can help support their generators and the growth of green energy throughout North Carolina. NC GreenPower took it into their own hands to support green energy growth and a cleaner environment. Now it's on our hands.

Click here for more information about NC GreenPower and the donation process.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

High School in "World Redneck Capital" Going Green

The South doesn't always get credit for being very green, but one high school in Georgia will soon become one of the greenest in America. Thanks to the city/county governments and a company called Greenavations, Dublin High School will be installing a solar system to reduce it's power consumption from the grid.

In the long-term, this project will reduce costs on energy, freeing budget for items tied closer to education. The CEO of Greenavations said the money saved will reduce furloughs and allow the school system to keep and hire more teachers.

Read the full article here:

India Looking to Group "Solar Nations" Together for Synergy

India's Union Minister is receiving funds from his government to create a meeting of "Solar Nations". The nations referred to are those which have the capability of creating large amounts of energy through solar, therefore having the largest effect on the use of fossil fuels. The goal of this meeting is to share technologies related to harnessing and storing the sun's power. This will in turn reduce the world's consumption of fossil fuels, slow global warming, and reduce dependency on unstable countries.

To learn more about this endeavor, read the article here:

Friday, March 8, 2013

Solar Info-graphics Make Data Visible

Solar info-graphics provide a way to easily view figures and projections for renewable energy. That's why we have filled our Pinterest page with them. Our Pinterest page is here: Before going there though, check out some of the interesting info-graphics we have added to this blog!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

NC State Lawmakers Further Ponder Subsidizing Solar

Lawmakers in the state of North Carolina are considering rolling back some of the mandates and tax-incentives for solar energy that have so far greatly benefited the renewable energy industry in the state. Nearly every green energy advocate agrees that this is a step in the wrong direction.

One point of contention for advocates of green energy is the motivation of lawmakers against these subsidies. The lines are drawn fairly clearly when it comes to fundraising, on who is on which side of the aisle. Lawmakers that receive contributions from the fossil fuel industries tend to be against renewable energy subsidies.

Read the entire article here.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Clean Energy Policies on Track to Save NC Residents $173million Annually by 2026

Beyond the overtly obvious benefits of clean energy (those being high paying tech jobs and less harm to the environment), renewable energy is now giving back directly to North Carolinian's utility bills. This is in contrast to popular belief.

A study by two of the nation's top research groups found that green energy and energy conservation have begun to translate into significant savings on customer's bills in the state.

To read the full article:

To find out more about getting a free estimate of a solar system for your house:

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Friday, February 15, 2013

Renewable Energy Benefits from World Views

Technology and private enterprise were the sole catalysts for renewable energy emergence until the past decade. Now, through concern for the environment, governments are creating an environment of growth in renewable energy.

See AMEC Plc CEO, Samir Brinkho, in his interview about renewable energy subsidies here:

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

President's State of the Union Call for More Solar Energy

Last night, President Obama encouraged the country to continue the steps that it has taken toward becoming a leader in renewable, clean energy. He stated that we have historically lagged behind in this endeavor in which we should be a leader, also noting that we have begun the process of catching up, but could easily fall even further behind through indifference.

A short portion of the dialogue focused on Solar energy in-particular

"So let’s generate even more. Solar energy gets cheaper by the year – so let’s drive costs down even further. As long as countries like China keep going all-in on clean energy, so must we."

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

NC Solar Now to Increase Online Presence

In an effort to provide customers more information on solar panels, technology, and other issues, NC Solar Now has contracted Market Retriever to help reach out to customers online and manage blogs, social media, and online advertising.

In 2013 more than ever, it is imperative that companies keep potential clients informed in real time. The best venue to do such is the world-wide-web. That is why NC Solar Now has made internet exposure a priority going into the new year.

Some of our web properties to be improved: